No bullsh*t creative that packs a punch.

Stand-up comedian to make you stand out!

I’m a stand-up comedian who has been working as a digital marketing strategist for over 10 years with clients such as Samsung Switzerland and Church & Dwight. I can manage full campaigns, create social content or simply momentarily join your team to support the brainstorming and get the creative juices going.

I wrote copies and adapted hundreds, if not thousands of posts for Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, YouTube, Twitter and... Google + (!). I also managed and produced several campaigns.

Every idea will not only be creative and funny but will also help you reach those KPIs you need to report to someone who doesn’t really understand them.

My services.

  • Content Creation

    I’m offering copywriting services in French and English. I can also create visual content. Whether you need pictures, videos or gifs, I can help or fully create any content you might need.

  • Digital Marketing Strategy

    The title says it all. I can implement a strategy from A to Z and help implement the proper KPIs.

  • Brainstorming

    You have someone internally in charge of Social Media accounts, but they feel alone and could use some fresh new ideas. I can meet and help them come up with interesting concepts.

  • Campaign ideation

    Just got the briefing; the client wants a funny campaign. Great! I can come to your war room and help with the ideation.